Nancy Connery heads up “Commercial Lease Law Roundup 2014" on December 10, 2014

Nancy Connery reprised her 2011 Commercial Lease Law Roundup program on December 10, 2014 for the New York State Bar Association’s Commercial Leasing Committee. Nancy, together with Ariel Colangelo, collected, analyzed and discussed approximately 20 commercial leasing cases decided in 2014, covering such topics as demolition clauses, lease renewals, tenant rights in a landlord bankruptcy, and lease vs. license issues.

Nancy A. Connery Speaks at the New York State Bar Association Real Property Law Section’s Annual Meeting

On January 27, 2011, Nancy Connery spoke at the New York State Bar Association Real Property Law Section’s Annual Meeting. She gave a general overview of commercial lease cases decided in 2010. The cases involved a wide variety of issues, including lease guaranties, the voluntary payment doctrine, constructive eviction, Rule against Perpetuities, and much more! To read her summary of the cases, click here: Commercial Lease Law Roundup 2010.

Related Attorney: Nancy A. Connery