Partner Beth Kaufman Appointed to Mayor’s Advisory Committee on the Judiciary

Beth Kaufman has been appointed by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to serve on the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on the Judiciary. The Committee’s mission is to recruit, evaluate and nominate highly-qualified judicial candidates for appointment and to evaluate incumbent judges for reappointment to the New York City Criminal Court and Family Court and, for interim appointments, to the New York City Civil Court.

David Black Appointed to NYC Bar’s Education and the Law Committee

David Black, one of the firm’s litigation associates, was appointed to the New York City Bar’s Education and the Law Committee in January 2008. The Committee analyzes New York and federal education law, issues reports and makes recommendations to improve education laws, regulations and policies.

Partner Nancy Connery Elected to ACREL

Nancy Connery, one of the firm’s real estate partners, was recently elected a member of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers (ACREL). ACREL is a national organization of real estate lawyers whose members are chosen on the basis of legal ability, experience, and high standards of professional and ethical conduct.

Nancy A. Connery, Speaker at State Bar Association Program

Nancy A. Connery participated as a Speaker at the New York State Bar Association’s annual “Advanced Real Estate” course held on December 4, 2008. Her topic was “Current Issues in Purchase and Sale Contracts.” Focusing on the impact of the current economic environment on real estate sales contract negotiations, she discussed price renegotiations, the use of contingency clauses, preserving the down payment, purchase money mortgages, and other topics.

Related Attorney: Nancy A. Connery